Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sweet Little Angel
-Shana Rae

Sweet little angel, pearl in the sea
Born to another, but meant for me
Sweet little angel, you don't know why
You're one of a million lost stars in the sky

Sweet little angel in a land so far away

Your new home awaits, where forever you will stay

Sweet little angel, sweet little dove

You will soon have a family
You will always be loved

Sweet little angel, I promise each night

To kiss you my darling and hold you real tight

Sweet little angel, you'll always be warm

I'll be there to protect you and keep you from harm

Sweet little angel, you will smile all day

We'll dance and sing, you'll laugh and play

Sweet little angel, sweet little dove

I'll carry your heart, I'll fill it with love

Sweet little angel, the stars in the sky

Will be yours, so don't you cry
We'll catch those stars
Yes, one by one
We'll dance in the moonlight
We'll live in the sun

Sweet little angel, sweet little dove
Keep faith in your heart, find peace in our love

My little angel, you're not alone
Your family is coming
To take you home

We Love You, Mia


Anonymous said...

Jo, First of all, i can't believe that you were blogging this at 6:51 am!!!! Second, this is just beautiful!!! It brought tears to my eyes...i know that you are thinking that everything does lol!!! What are you going to do with me!!!

Daniella said...


Anonymous said...

This was so touching, beautiful! I love poems like this, and so fitting for you! Wow.

Michelle C. (aunt Michie)..:)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful poem. So fitting and true.