Anthony has always loved to help out around the house, but now that he is getting older he runs off with his friends the first chance he gets. Here he is shoveling a path for Penny by the back door.

Here is Eddie earlier in the day playing in the snow with Penny. They both had such a great time together. Penny is a great playmate, she loves to jump around and bite snowballs ~ I was laughing so hard just watching them :)
*Hopefully this will be the very last snowfall of the year. It's expected to warm up by the end of the week in NY ~ yeah!!
Wow! Your picture of spring and mine today are completely different! Sure hope you see the blooming flowers soon!
jo, your boys and penny look as happy as my kids (minus the pup....kali wants one so bad) out in the snow! actually, i love it, too! (ok, NOT the shoveling) Enjoy the spring weather this weekend...finally! love, cuz laura
Hi Joanne,
Found your blog from a comment you left on another blog - We are also LID October 06 - 10/27/06. We are from NY - my husband was born in LI and I am from Westchester. We left Westchester 3 years ago and moved to SW Florida. Anyway, love your blog - enjoy Spring! My family is still all in NY and they called today to say it was very warm yesterday - almost 60! Have a good weekend.
OK, it's been MONTHS since I've logged on with all the craziness here...it's soo good to catch up!
How I miss seeing those boys - and that snow looks awfully nice to me right now, as it is already in the nineties here in Memphis (in June). We hardly see snow here. I'm remembering that we were already hitting temps in the 80's by the time spring was officially here!
Love, Miriam
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