Monday, April 02, 2007


ahhhh, my boys ~ just LOVE them :) We had a nice weekend ~ we basically stayed outside all day Saturday ~ it was gorgeous out. Sunday we went to see the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle" movie, which we thought was pretty good. Eddie's been running around in Ant's old "turtle" costume (must get a pic of this - he's so serious as he runs around in this get-up!).

Mia was mentioned this the hubby ~ I love hearing her name! He was wondering when we should start fixing up her room... I told him it would probably be safe when we are out of the Review Room ~ this room really scares me! I know it will be a while until we are out of Review, and I would love to start painting and moldings and hanging up all the things I have acquired, b-u-t I've heard scary stories about getting past this room: you can be questioned and have to supply addition paperwork or doctor's letters; and this could set back your LID to a later date!!!!

O.k., let's not panic ~ I'm sure it will all work out ~ positive thinking :)

*I know I forgot to post a recipe yesterday - I told you I was forgetful - I'll get around to it...


Daniella said...

Looks like a great weekend! I feel the same about the review room. Let's hope to be through soon. I received the frame from my Secret Pal who was Theresa from Expecting from China - I actually want to know also b/c I love it and would like to pass them on. I'll email her and let you know what I find out.

t~ said...

Cute boy pic! I didn't really worry with the review room, I had the room done and then found out we were out of review. It hit me harder than I suspected it would. I was relieved and felt like I should have waited to prepare until after that moment. I guess ignorance is bliss...I never thought they'd pull my dossier I guess.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo:

This was a great picture! The boys look too cute! I can't wait for the nicer weather! Before you know it, you'll be out of the reveiew stages, and closer to Mia...:)

Michelle C.

Anonymous said...


I also love the picture of the boys...they look great as always. What happened to that weather? I want it back. I can't wait to see them, and you, later this week. Also can't wait for you to get out of the review room! It will be time for another celebration! but i have faith there won't be a problem! Mia deserves you and her family and you all deserve her too! Fate....