Sunday, October 04, 2009


We looked and looked and looked for the moon, but it was too cloudy! Instead the kids (and Penny) ran around the front lawn - at first Eddie & Mia ran around saying "moon? moon?" It was real cute - then Anthony ran out with the football and Penny - and there where our "4" kids flying around the grass like a crazy family :)

When we gave up on the finding the moon ~ Eddie said it was "in China!" ~ we all went inside to try our homemade moon cookies/I mean "cakes" . Anthony said the strawberry preserve with coconut was real good (I thought they were ok), Eddie wouldn't touch them and opted for the marshmallow pies, Mia kept putting the mooncake up to her mouth and says loudly "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm", but wouldn't eat it ?! Daddy thought they were ok too. Penny loved them :)
I love how her little tongue is sticking out :)

Doesn't it look like a big cookie?!
I was really looking forward to trying the ones with the chocolate chips inside, but they were VERY hard and a bit burnt - Next year, I'll try another recipe we have and I will try to find a mooncake mold, so they are a bit more cake-like.
I did say a prayer for Mia's birthparents
and I know they were thinking of her too . . .

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Such nice tradtions...really special!!! Love the one of Mia giving Mommy hugs!