Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 14, 2006

I have our physical exam forms in my possession (had a little bit of drama:the doctor didn't have 2 of the tests done, but we "worked it out"). I faxed the papers over to my adoption agency so they could look them over - there were two spots I wasn't sure about - China is VERY picky about these forms (you cannot have the doctor write N/A anywhere on the form, everything must be circled and can make you sweat!).

I have my 2nd meeting with the social worker tomorrow morning (no boys will be attending this meeting!). I hope she has a draft of our homestudy for me to look over. However, I have some paperwork she needs from me, a pic of the 4 of us, size of the baby's room, homestudy agreement and the list goes on! This meeting should be less stressful than the last ~ I hope ~
*Just had to get this doll! How on earth could I pass it up ~ too cute :)

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