I've been a busy beaver lately ~ having fun making hair accessories for my little princess. I'm getting better, burning my fingers less (glue gun) and coming up with some fun ideas. I took apart a stem of silk flowers, applied a rhinestone and ta da. . . a cute flower clippie!
When I was finished with the clippie I put it in Mia's
hair to see the size ~ the kids were playing right
under my feet (is there ever anywhere else?) and
I look down to find this mess, they were "cooking"!

Ahhh, can't you smell them?! I was real happy with the turnout!

Later on in the day we stopped by Meaghan Grace's house.
They were making Halloween sugar cookies ~
it was FUN! (Thanks Michelle for letting Mia throw
around the flou/r ~ now that's a good Auntie!)

This is our Fall "display" ~ we have so much fun
every year arranging the flowers, hay, etc.
We also love to walk/drive around the
neighborhood to have a looksie at everyone
else's displays ~ love this time of year!
I video taped some of missy ~ what a character!! Enjoy: