Thursday, April 02, 2009


Mia had her "yearly" appointment with the pediatric cardiologist to check on her VSD (ventricular septal defect or "hole" in the heart) today. When Mia came home in 2007 we immediately took her to the ped. cardiologist to assess the condition of her heart, we were all amazed that a moderate hole (size of a nickel) while in China was now the size of a pin hole! Although the hole is small, it is still ... a hole, so the doctor wants to see her once a year now to see if and when it will close.

Unfortunately, the hole still has not closed; and the doctor doesn't foresee doing "anything" to close it because of it's small size ~ great news! I was hoping since at Eddie's 3 year old cardiologist appt, he was "cleared" with a functional murmur and both of his "holes'" (he had both VSD & ASD), that we would have the same news for Mia...maybe next year?!

I am SO proud of how Mia handled this doctors visit ~ NO TEARS! Not one! I explained beforehand that we would be going to the doctor; and he would be listening to her heart and taking pictures of it (like I did the last two times) and she talked about it all the way there. She sat still while he listened and even "helped" him out by pointing out where her heart was located :) She layed relatively still (for my active girl this was an accomplishment!) during the sono and watched the screen and listened to me talk (distract her).

My girl is growing up in so many ways :)


Dawn said...

I am so happy you got great news today...what a blessing...she is getting so big...and is sooo cute!!!

Colleen said...

What a brave girl she is!!! I am so glad that her appointment went so well and that her heart is healing so well. Praying that by her next appointment the hole will be completely closed.
What a sweet photo of your active little cutie!!!

Lisa said...

Oh good news that doc feels that there is no need to do anything. That was great she sat for him. She is so darn cute.

Barbara said...

How sweet that she was showing him where her heart is...I love it! She is too precious...only getting cuter and cuter...didn't think that was possible! I noticed you gave up on the striped clip when you got home :)

Lori said...

Oh she's such a brave girl and I look forward to hearing good news this time next year! :)

(oh this is SO funny, my word verification below is miatest!! lol)

Vicky said...

Glad is was a good visit... Maybe next year it will be totally closed ! I cant believe how big Mia is getting !!!


malinda said...

What great news for you all! Mia, you go, girl!

Melissa said...

Good news, even if it's not completely closed yet. I'm gald she was so good during the appointment!

RamblingMother said...

good news on the hole! she is so cute.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is so adorable! I just love how she showed the doctor where her heart was - that is too cute. Glad things look promising. Hope it gets even better at next year's appointment - I have a feeling it will. So glad to hear she handled the appointment so well..