Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Eddie had been looking forward to his Field Day for a while and had his team shirt all ready for this day :) It was a very, very hot day -but Eddie had a big cheering section; Anthony, Mia and grandma, poppy and Stevie even came along!

Here comes Eddie & his class
Jump Eddie!
my handsome little man!

Eddie ran into his friend "H" !

Eddie & his buddy, "R" always love hanging out!

Eddie's 1st grade carnival also took place on a really hot & humid day ~ he was SO excited because daddy took off to come!

Eddie at the parachute
Mia spent a lot of time on the kindergarden playground...
potato sack race!

What a fun way to wrap up the last weeks of school -
it was so very nice to have daddy there too :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Thursday, June 17th was Mia last day of school ~ on to pre-k in the Fall! She blossomed SO much this year! I am so proud to be her mommy :) Her teachers say she is such a pleasure to have in class, always happy and smiling...her speech has really taken off and I know it has a lot to do with being with her peers; besides her therapy ~

She would really look forward to going to school and would never give me problem. She stopped crying after only a few days of school and would just beam with excitement when I told her she had school today.

She willing let the teachers hold her and hug her - and her smile would light up the room when I came to pick her up :)

O.k., it certainly helped to have her buddy, Meggie in her class :)

Mia would always ask for Meggie if she didn't see her when we walked into school!
It was so comforting to have her China sister there ~

Love this shot~
Hands on hips-dancing away!
precious girls!

There was a little Stepping Up program where the kids sang songs they learned all year long. Then, they received their certificates ~

Love the hugs ~ outside their preschool!
(I am too lazy to sort thru the picture order!)

My little women!

Mia and her "love interest" :)

Meggie thrilled to receive her certificate!!

Mia is also thrilled :)

Mia with Miss Joan!

It was so nice to have Anthony there with me -
he finished his final and had the rest of the day off!!
Mia was so happy "Nanie" was there :)

Me and my girl!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

~ FATHER'S DAY, 2010 ~

Father's Day turned out to be a gorgeous day ~ it was hot and sunny, just the way daddy likes it :) We had brunch at Grandma's house and then came home to swim in the pool ~

The kids made daddy all sorts of adorable things! Poor Anthony felt bad because "we don't make anything in school anymore for holidays", but that's o.k. - Mia told daddy days ago that she had a "goody bag" with a "pet rock" she made in it...purple, of course :)

Eddie put his picture in this adorable star magnet - oh, how I love this stuff :)
After brunch and swimming and relaxing poolside, we when down to Port Jeff to get ice cream and drool over the boats :) Then we walked to this usually quiet spot we know of, and the kids played on a wooden boat and got soaked under the frog sprinklers!!

There was a family that was having a picnic under a shady tree behind Mia (not pictured) and I turned to Ed and said, what a great idea! We should do that one day...he sort of gave me that 'look'and I said, why not??? He then said, "because we are never as quiet as that family is!" Oh, how he made me laugh!!

I was sitting a few feet away and thought it was misty-type of sprinkler, but when the kids got closer to me, I could see they were soaked! And loving it :)

WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


On Sunday, we were all just hanging around the house...the boys were playing and Mia was riding her bike. She saw a big puddle at the front of our court and we went over there so she could ride back and forth through the puddle ~ the fun she was having!

After a while mommy was getting tired/bored, but Mia was really enjoying this puddle, so we stayed a while longer. Daddy pulled around the corner in his car and asked if we should go down to the beach - it was an overcast day - but it still sounded great! Daddy and his little "cupcake"
Daddy taught the kids how to skip rocks~

my wonderful boy!

Eddie watches daddy skip rocks

The "Ed's"
oh how I adore my little character :)

At one point, Mia turned to us and said,
"I love water!!!!!!"

Even though is was a cloudy day, the scenery was just gorgeous.
We never tire of coming down to the beach and just hanging around.
It automatically calms you - it is just so peaceful ~
Mia is so fearless and climbed the rocks all over with her brothers
The best scenery of all!!!
Love you guys!