Friday, August 06, 2010


On Sunday afternoon, daddy came up with a last minute idea to go to the park ~ we all piled into the car and headed to this gorgeous area!

Anthony & Eddie with their fishing net ~ never leave home without it!
This is the summer of all things fishing, fish, lures, tackle boxes OH MY!

I love how Mia calls Ed "my daddy"

Eddie loved the ducks and wanted a picture "with" them!

Down the steps to the lake...

Daddy and the boys rented a boat for about a half hour.
It was only 4 to a boat,so the girls stayed on land while the boys rowed away!

They were SO excited!

"what should we do mommy?"

bye boys!

Lucky thing there was this park closeby ~ Mia just LOVES parks!

She is So adventurous and never stops moving :)

my girl loves to swing, swing, swing!

While we waited for the boys to come back,
we went down by the lake and Mia pretended to ROW

Here they come!!
What a wonderful memory ~ the boys really enjoyed their time on the lake with daddy. Anthony got to row for a while and Eddie loved the rope :) We will have to come back during daddys week and counting!!!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Looks like everyone had such a nice time. I LOVE the joy on Mia's face when she plays!!!!